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Noted Nonagenarians & Centenarians is a non-commercial website featuring living people in their 90s (nonagenarians) and 100s (centenarians) who have achieved national or international recognition in their respective fields. These fields include literature, the arts, sports, science, religion, politics, the military, and business. The goal of this site is to acknowledge individuals who were noted during their lifetimes and then grew old rather than those who are noted now based solely on their advanced ages.

Each living individual included on the site is listed twice: chronologically by birth year and alphabetically by last name. When someone on the site passes away, his/her entries are deleted from these pages and moved to the "In Memoriam" page.

Additional features of Noted Nonagenarians & Centenarians include a "Hall of Fame" page, which highlights noted individuals throughout the centuries who lived to be at least 90, and the "Centennial Birthdays" page, which lists departed individuals of note who would have turned 100 this year regardless of how long they lived.

I strive to keep this website as up to date as possible. Therefore, please contact me if you see a listing which is not current. I will change it as quickly as I can.

I wish to thank Mr. Chris Cleary, who started this website in 1997, for letting me take over in 2005 when time constraints made it difficult for him to continue as webmaster. (Chris is a prolific author, by the way. Click here to be taken to his Amazon listing.)

Noted Nonagenarians & Centenarians
has been a great source of joy for me over the years, first as a fan and then as an administrator. I hope you're able to share in that enjoyment during your visit here.

Walter Breitzke

Webmaster, Noted Nonagenarians & Centenarians
Email: genarianswebmaster@gmail.com

Background Photo Credit: Rawpixel Ltd per Creative Commons license